The Greatest Gift We Can Give Our Children by The Cozy Tree
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The Greatest Gift We Can Give Our Children

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What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

This prompt sparked an immediate response from me. I am thankful I have already received the greatest gift possible: eternal life.

As a baptized believer, Jesus has washed away my sins and granted me eternal life, which he paid for in full and offers freely to every single human who believes, repents, and is born again.

Which leads me to the second greatest gift: that I was taught the gospel. And who taught me the gospel? Thankfully, my parents.

Not everyone is blessed with parents who will preach the gospel to them. But it’s not too late to start that for your own kids!

The greatest gift we, as Christian mothers, can give our children is preaching the gospel in our homes and our lives. Our evangelism should always begin in our homes and our children are our direct missions.

How to preach the gospel to your kids

1. Daily prayer and Bible reading

Children learn from everything we do. It’s important for our own spiritual health that we spend time in prayer and the Word daily. It’s also important that we spend time doing those things with our kids.

If you have young kids, finding time to do this can be tough. I’ve written a blog post about it here, as well as made the Instagram graphics below.

Read more >>> How We Do Bible Time With Toddlers

2. Get involved in church

There’s a strange phenomenon going around where people claim they can be faithful Christians while intentionally refusing to involve themselves in church. While yes, the Church is the members and not a building, you will thrive much more and make a bigger impact if you fellowship with other believers.

Find a good, solid, Bible-believing, theologically-accurate church that is healthy and safe for your family. It shouldn’t be a daycare you drop your kids off at while you go do your own thing. It shouldn’t be a place that just entertains kids with fluff while you enjoy a feel-good, emotionally-charged sermon.

Whatever church you choose should allow for both you and your whole family to get involved in events, ministry, fellowship activities, and especially good Bible classes that allow for discussion, questions, and knowledgeable teachers. Find Bible class teachers who genuinely care about your kids. And if you can, get yourself involved in teaching or serving in another way. Not only will your kids learn and thrive, but you will as well!

I’ve heard some people becoming anti-Bible class and anti-children’s ministry, mainly because they’ve only ever seen the “bad” (predatory teachers, no safety protocols in place, meaningless entertainment, overstimulating environment, etc.) but I promise there are very good churches and teachers out there! You just have to find them (or make them happen yourself!).

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

3. Read Christian parenting books

There are some really great books out there that outline ways you can be intentional about parenting your children in a Biblical way. You do have to be careful to ensure they are Biblically sound (always measure everything to scripture), and some people interpret various parenting-related passages in ways you may not agree with, but there are lots of books to choose from!

I’ve written a list of 5 of my most-recommended Christian parenting books for intentional parents. Read it here.

Read more >>> 5 Christian Books For Intentional Parents

For more ideas…

I have written a similar blog post on this topic already, which goes into some more detail on ways to remind your kids about God throughout the day. If you’d like to dive deeper, check it out here!

The Great Commission

I’ve seen many stress about the Great Commission. Let me explain. Jesus says:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Often times, this charge makes us feel the pressure that we literally have to travel the world and preach the gospel to everyone on the planet. And while yes, that would be ideal, it’s not practical!

We should absolutely preach the gospel to everyone by any method we have access to. That may be traveling to another country, or in your own neighborhood, or on your social media account. But the first and most obvious way for us as mothers is by preaching the gospel to our kids. When we do that, who knows how our kids will take and share that good news with others?

The greatest gift we can give to our children is the good news of the gospel, so that they can receive the greatest gift of all: eternal life with God.

God bless,

The Cozy Tree Shop Laura Signature
Unless otherwise stated, scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Laura is a Christian, wife, and mother who enjoys creating cozy goods, digital products, and encouraging blog posts to uplift fellow Christian moms. She is newly homeschooling her two kids and loves to crochet, read, and make her family's home cozy.

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