Why Christian Moms Shouldn't Be Chronically Online by The Cozy Tree
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Why Christian Moms Shouldn’t Be “Chronically Online”

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With the ability to access the internet in the palm of our hands, it can be easy for us to be “chronically online.” But as Christian moms, we should avoid letting our lives be influenced solely by the opinions of strangers on social media.

What is “Chronically Online”?

I’ve heard this term circulating on social media, and–ironically–it basically means someone who spends way too much time on the internet. A “chronically online” person devotes so much time to social media, internet memes and trends, and the latest news (especially bad news), that it practically becomes their whole personality.

Are you always up to date with the latest Tiktok trends and Youtube drama? Do you get upset when someone doesn’t post about their stance on a major current event? Have you begun to find it difficult to talk to others in person about politics or real world issues? You just might be chronically online.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

How I realized I was doing it too

It’s literally so easy to get swept up in this stuff. I think many of us with access to a smartphone find ourselves opening Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, etc. way more often than we’d like. Our brains start to gravitate to “I wonder what people are saying about this on [insert social media platform here]” any time we hear breaking news.

I had no thoughts of my own

2020 seems to have been a major year for division among people. With so much happening in the world and so many lockdowns, I really think so many more people being stuck at home forced us to just sit down and stew on big issues. Whether it was related to the pandemic, racial injustice, or whatever else, you couldn’t escape the discussion on social media.

The problem with social media is that people are loud. It’s shoved in your face. And whichever opinion is the loudest is the one you may start to agree with because it’s everywhere. This is what happened to me. I wasn’t thinking critically anymore, I was just blindly agreeing with what the loudest people online said.

Does that mean everything on the internet is wrong? No. But I didn’t even know why I agreed with certain opinions, or what parts of the opinions I agreed with.

I began to look down on others

When I started to agree with the majority on everything, I saw anyone who thought differently as inferior. Even for dumb stuff, like memes or trends. If someone I knew wasn’t aware of a trend but I was, I felt I was more “in the know” and “enlightened” than them. I became prideful and haughty and it was weird.

And it was lonely.

I lost real life friends

The problem with being chronically online is that the lines between real relationships and internet relationships begin to blur.

Not only was I constantly judging everything my real life friends posted on their social media, but I was also sharing every single little opinion I had on every single thing ever. Even if it wasn’t a true conviction or a well-thought-out stance. I became rude and obnoxious. I’d say things like “I just don’t understand how you could think ___” or “why would anyone be this dumb about ___?”, when I knew that people I knew in person believed the things I was mocking. And if anyone was brave enough to gently bring it up to me, I simply cut them off.

Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

Internet vs. Real World Interactions

But I didn’t just lose friends over controversial opinions and world issues. I also lost friends simply because I never interacted with people outside of social media.

Social media can be a double-edged sword. On one side, it opens up opportunities to connect with people over interests you didn’t realize each other had because maybe it didn’t come up in conversation in person. It also allows loved ones and long-distance friends to still get a glimpse into your life.

On the other side, however, it allows us to constantly rely solely on what people post on social media and removes the desire for in-person communication and connection. Why bother getting to know someone when you could just Facebook-stalk them?

And if they suddenly post an opinion contrary to yours? Now it’s awkward to see them in person. But if we weren’t all posting everything online in the first place, that divisive opinion may never have been brought up, or at least a friendly in-person discussion could be had (instead of hiding behind a keyboard).

Why this is bad for Christians

As Christians, and especially mothers, it is important for us to be in the know with what’s going on in the world, what our kids are being exposed to, and how we can properly prepare for any given situation. It is also important to form relationships with fellow Christian moms so we can support each other. The internet can be a great place for this, if used in moderation.

It becomes a problem when we rely on the internet for all of our knowledge and opinions, and even our beliefs. The internet is a dangerous place when it comes to theology and Truth. The loudest voices may be wrong. Everyone’s personal “truth” (in the postmodern sense of the word) will lead people to believe things that are flat out incorrect. We may even start to consult the internet first before we consult our Bible, and view the opinions of others as a higher authority than God’s Word.

When we are chronically online, we can develop big egos, selfish motives, and isolate ourselves from the community around us. This prevents us from sharing the gospel, serving others, and sharing God’s love.

So what can we do?

The short answer? Stop spending so much time online!

But what are some practical ways to break those habits, and what are some things we can focus on instead?

Since this post is getting long, I’m going to discuss those ways in Part 2. You can find that blog post in a few days, so save this page or make sure to subscribe to the newsletter for updates! (P.S., you can also get access to the Freebie Library when you subscribe!)

Read more >>> How To Stop Being Chronically Online: A Guide For Christian Moms

So, what are your thoughts? Do you think you fit the description of “chronically online?” Let me know in the comments!

God bless and see you in part 2,

The Cozy Tree Shop Laura Signature
Unless otherwise stated, scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Laura is a Christian, wife, and mother who enjoys creating cozy goods, digital products, and encouraging blog posts to uplift fellow Christian moms. She is newly homeschooling her two kids and loves to crochet, read, and make her family's home cozy.

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