5 Benefits of Taking Your Toddler Out in Society by The Cozy Tree
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5 Benefits of Taking Your Toddlers Out in Society

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As a Christian mother to young children in today’s society, I understand and agree with the desire to keep our kids at home and surround them with things that align with our values. But there is a fine line between nurturing and protecting your kids at home, and forcing them to stay in a bubble without any outside contact.

This has been a big struggle for me, as I get very anxious about the outside world and the dangers my kids will be exposed to. I’m a very introverted homebody, and I’m perfectly happy staying home for extended periods of time! But my kids? Not so much. They’re still young and growing and learning and crave exploration and new experiences.

Socialization – A Side Note

I’m one of the first to say that I am all for homeschooling, co-ops, etc. and that “socialization” is not an issue in that regard. Socialization happens when you take your kids to church, run errands with them, visit libraries and museums and zoos and play gyms, etc. This post is not about homeschool vs public school, but I wanted to throw that out there!

Some people believe you should put your kids in public schools and activities to expose them to different beliefs. Many Christians are of the mindset that their children should be evangelizing in public settings. But we need to remember that our children are still growing and developing, and what they are exposed to will shape their futures. It’s our job as parents to be selective about what our kids are exposed to at the appropriate ages and prepare them for the outside world, to the best of our abilities.

Library time, kids' faces covered for privacy.
Check your local library for great free opportunities for your little ones!

Benefits of Going Out in Society

As young Christian moms, we understand the importance of nurturing our children not only physically but also spiritually and emotionally. One way to foster holistic development in our toddlers is by taking them out in society during the day. While it may seem daunting at times, the rewards are immense. Here are some of the developmental benefits of exposing your little ones to the world beyond your home:

1. Social Interaction

When toddlers venture out into society, they have the opportunity to interact with people of all ages and backgrounds. This early exposure helps them develop essential social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and empathy. Encouraging your child to greet others with a smile or a simple “hello” (when you feel it is safe to do so) can lay the foundation for kindness and compassion.

Whenever I take my kids to the library or the play gym, they naturally approach other kids and try to interact with them. Children thrive when they get to play with other kids, and they learn so much when they see how each kid does things differently! It’s so fun to see how each of my kids act as well; my oldest prefers to observe and narrate at first and then jump in, while my youngest dives in immediately and takes the lead.

2. Cognitive Growth

New environments provide a wealth of stimuli for young minds. From observing different colors and textures to encountering new sounds and smells, these experiences stimulate cognitive development. Visiting parks, museums, or even the local grocery store can spark your toddler’s curiosity and expand their understanding of the world.

Thanks to our favorite shows like Super Simple Songs, Cowboy Jack, and Danny Go, my kids get to see the things they learn from those shows in real life and experience things for themselves. They get to practice their counting, color and shape recognition, spot letters, and more! And what’s great is that I don’t even have to initiate it. They notice these things themselves and have so much fun discovering things!

More On Shows

>>> We love the Super Simple Songs app! I will put it on my iPad, turn on Guided Access (so the kids can’t accidentally tap out of the app), and AirPlay it to our Apple TV. It’s full of songs, shows, games, and interactive stories! Absolutely worth the subscription. See the app here. (This is not sponsored, I just really love it that much haha)

>>> We watch Cowboy Jack and Danny Go, along with many other great content, on Yippee TV! Yippee TV is a Christian, wholesome, family-friendly platform full of content that is safe for all families. We appreciate that they are so selective with what content they put on there. Obviously we haven’t watched every single thing on the platform, but we love what we’ve seen so far! Danny Go does lots of longer specials/exclusives just for Yippee that you can’t find elsewhere. Get the subscription here. (Also not sponsored, maybe someday lol)

3. Language Development

Exposure to a variety of people and situations enhances language skills. Toddlers pick up new words and phrases through conversations and observations. Engaging in storytelling and asking questions about their surroundings can further enrich their vocabulary and comprehension.

Not only this, but they can begin to put concepts together naturally. My oldest especially has been speaking in longer, more complete sentences, asking other people questions and saying greetings in the accurate situations. He has also begun to understand the differences in certain adjectives, pronouns, and adverbs by encountering them naturally.

4. Confidence Building

Taking your toddlers out in society exposes them to various challenges and opportunities for problem-solving. Encouraging them to order their own food at a restaurant or make decisions at the playground can boost their confidence and sense of independence.

I’ve also noticed, at least for my kids, that they have a much higher frustration tolerance when they are interacting with someone other than their parents. Because my husband and I are their “safe people” who they are comfortable expressing all their feelings with, even the tiniest bit of frustration can set them off and send them crying to us for help. But when they’re around others, they seem to be more open to observing and trying to figure it out without our help.

5. Faith Formation

As Christian moms, we know the importance of instilling faith in our children. Outdoor adventures provide opportunities to teach them about God’s creation, gratitude, and the beauty of His world. Encourage your toddlers to marvel at the wonders of nature and offer simple prayers of thanks together.

I don’t believe it’s necessary to emphasize the darkness of our world to young, innocent toddlers. I disagree with the concept of expecting them to be a light to others by thrusting them into the darkness. But I do think that being active in building the foundation of their faith at home is the best way to prepare them for going out in the world. My kids will even sing “Jesus loves me” or “This little light of mine” at the top of their lungs in public spaces lol! For them, it’s just a fact of life and they love it. And going out is a great way to point the good things out that can tie into those beliefs.

It’s Worth It

Stepping outside the home with your toddlers during the day can have profound developmental benefits. It allows them to grow socially, cognitively, and emotionally while also nurturing their faith. So, don’t hesitate to embark on adventures, both big and small, with your little ones. By doing so, you’re sowing the seeds of well-rounded, confident, and faith-filled individuals who will thrive in society and carry God’s love with them wherever they go.

Even if it’s scary sometimes, they need it. We can’t keep our kids in a bubble forever and there’s a perfectly fine balance to protecting them and preparing them for the world. We weren’t made to live alone, and interacting with people outside our immediate families in a safe way is important to instill empathy and strengthen faith.

So where are you going to take your kids? Is there somewhere you take them already? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

God bless,

The Cozy Tree Shop Laura Signature
Unless otherwise stated, scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Laura is a Christian, wife, and mother who enjoys creating cozy goods, digital products, and encouraging blog posts to uplift fellow Christian moms. She is newly homeschooling her two kids and loves to crochet, read, and make her family's home cozy.

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