Making Holidays Fun Without Overwhelming Your Kids by The Cozy Tree Shop
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Making Holidays Fun (Without Overwhelming Your Kids)

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The holiday season is an exciting time, especially for our little ones. But as moms, it’s essential for us to strike a balance between creating joyful memories and preventing overwhelm. Overstimulation and burnout are real things and can make the holidays something to dread instead of something to enjoy.

Here are three ways to make the holidays fun for your kids while keeping stress at bay:

1. Create Simple Traditions

Embrace the joy of creating simple yet meaningful traditions with your children. Whether it’s baking cookies together, reading a special holiday story each night, or decorating the Christmas tree as a family, these traditions provide a sense of stability and excitement without overwhelming schedules. Focusing on a few cherished activities helps children anticipate and savor the season.

Don’t try to go overboard by having days packed full of a million different activities and traditions! See which ones your kids latch onto most and keep going with those ones. It’s okay if a tradition you wanted to try doesn’t work out. If your kids are miserable the whole time, scrap it and move on.

>>> Read more: Embracing Grace – Navigating Diverse Holiday Traditions Within the Family

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

2. Prioritize Quality Family Time

In the midst of holiday planning and preparations, ensure you prioritize quality family time. Engage in activities that allow you to connect and bond, such as family game nights, movie marathons, or even crafting sessions. When kids feel connected and loved, they are better equipped to handle the busyness of the season.

Make sure your kids don’t feel forgotten! Their sense of stability and comfort matters more than a picture-perfect, packed holiday schedule. Of course, one may argue that we all have to do things we don’t like and our kids can stand to be thrown off a bit and build up their tolerance for change. And while that’s okay for a small portion of the season, don’t make the entire concept of holidays something they dread. Let it be something they love and look forward to because of the time they’ll get to spend with family.

>>>Read more: 6 Christmas Traditions Your Family Can Start Now

3. Teach the True Meaning of Christmas

As Christian mothers, let’s remember the reason for the season—focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ. Now, I’m someone who doesn’t necessarily believe Jesus’ birthday was “the first Christmas”, and that we can (and should) celebrate our savior’s birth all year round. But when much of society does take time to remember the concept of Jesus’ birth around December 25th, we might as well lean into it!

This can be done with an Advent activity, cards, or Bible study. We love to use these Advent Cards I made as we count the days to Christmas, and each card contains a verse related to the birth of Jesus. We also enjoy this small Advent Study by The Daily Grace Co!

Listing photo of printable Advent Christmas cards by The Cozy Tree Shop
Get your printable cards here!

Instill the true meaning of Christmas in your children by reading the nativity story, attending extra church gatherings and events, or engaging in acts of kindness, such as giving to those in need. Our church participates in multiple charities especially around this time of year, like Operation Christmas Child, MAGI (this one is actually multiple times a year for us), and more.

These experiences help your kids understand the significance of Christmas beyond the material aspects, fostering a sense of gratitude and generosity. They also provide a chance to further solidify the importance and gravity of Jesus’ birth and sacrifice for our salvation.

>>> Random side note: one of my favorite concepts to study this time of year is prophecy. Reading all the prophecies leading up to Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection are always so awe-inspiring to me. What an amazing God we serve!

One more thought…

Make plans, but don’t stress

This is one more thing I want to emphasize. When it comes to holidays and travel and gatherings, make. Plans. Don’t wait till the last second to plan anything!! Children do best with predictability and structure, and many of us adults do as well. Reduce the chaos by planning things out and knowing what to expect–to an extent.

The key is to make plans, but also don’t stress if they don’t work out quite that way. The purpose of making plans is to have a guideline of what to expect, not a rigid schedule to adhere to. Make a list or get a calendar out and write down the things you’d like to do each day, and be open to change and flexibility. I’ll be talking more about this in a future post!

Also important: plan to have down time!!! Block out time where you will stay home, relax, and say “no” to any extra activities so you and your kids can recharge.

In Conclusion

The holiday season can be a joyful and memorable time for your kids, and it can be that way without overwhelming them. By creating simple traditions, prioritizing quality family time, and teaching the true meaning of Christmas, you’ll not only make the season enjoyable but also instill values that will stay with your children for a lifetime. Plan some fun things but also plan to rest. Embrace the joy of the holidays, and remember that love, faith, and togetherness are the most precious gifts you can give your family.

God bless,

The Cozy Tree Shop Laura Signature
Unless otherwise stated, scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.

Laura is a Christian, wife, and mother who enjoys creating cozy goods, digital products, and encouraging blog posts to uplift fellow Christian moms. She is newly homeschooling her two kids and loves to crochet, read, and make her family's home cozy.

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