6 Christmas Traditions Your Family Can Start Now by The Cozy Tree

6 Christmas Traditions Your Family Can Start Now

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Need some fresh ideas for new Christmas traditions you can start with your family this year? Keep reading to see what my 6 favorite Christmas traditions are!

The twinkling lights, the scent of freshly baked cookies, and the anticipation of joyful gatherings—it’s that time of the year again, when the holiday season fills our homes with warmth and love. As parents, we often find ourselves striving to create lasting memories and traditions for our families. Whether your little ones are just starting to understand the joy of Christmas like mine, or they’re growing faster than you can keep up with, it’s never too late to begin new holiday traditions.

In this blog post, we’ll explore six wonderful Christmas traditions your family can start now, from crafting “gingerbread” ornaments to embracing the “want, need, wear, read” gift rule. These traditions are not only delightful but also meaningful ways to celebrate the season of joy and love. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can make this holiday season even more special for your family!

Decorate cardboard “gingerbread” ornaments

We started this one last year! I will save empty cardboard boxes, cut them into shapes, and then we’ll draw with white crayon or paint pen on them to make them look like gingerbread cookies. This is a wonderful way to upcycle materials, let the kids be creative, and have ornaments that don’t break easily haha.

I can’t find this original photo on my phone to save my life so I had to download it from my Facebook. Yay for terrible quality lol.

Christmas pajamas for the kids

I never thought I’d be a mom who makes my kids wear matching Christmas jammies, but it’s so cute and they love it (for now haha)! We don’t have my husband and I match them or anything, just the kids. They’re the ones who are still growing and need new jammies on a regular basis, and I’m not about to spend $50+ on pajamas for us lol.

>>> Read more about Navigating Diverse Holiday Traditions Within The Family

Drying orange slices

Okay so I have done this two years in a row now…but then I get too busy to actually do anything with them lol. But the kids love helping arrange the orange slices on the trays and watching them dry in the oven. Plus it makes the house smell amazing! Hopefully this year I’ll actually get around to stringing them up on some garland with some cinnamon sticks.

My son had SO much fun helping with these this year!

Driving to look at Christmas lights

Our city puts on a huge drive-through light show and train ride! Our kids haven’t cared yet but our son just noticed some Christmas lights on the drive home from Thanksgiving the other day and loved them, so we’re excited to take him to see the big ones this year.

Sending out Christmas cards

With the popularity of social media, people don’t often send out “family newsletters” with Christmas cards anymore. But I still like the idea and as a kid I always looked forward to getting to do it when I grew up. I love getting to send mail to family and friends!

“Want, need, wear, read” gifts

This has been a trend on social media, and I love it! We have a rule for our kids for Christmas where they will receive 4 gifts each from us as parents. Something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. This creates some structure and predictability, and also prevents the expectation of a ridiculous amount of toys and things. Now if only we could get all of the grandparents to stick with this rule lol.

Freebie listing for printable Christmas lists by The Cozy Tree Shop
Get your FREE downloadable Christmas wishlist with these four prompts from the Freebie Library!

The holiday season is a time to cherish the moments we have with our loved ones and create traditions that can be shared and enjoyed for years. As we’ve explored these six Christmas traditions, we’ve seen how each one adds meaning to this special time of year.

>>> Read more about Making Holidays Fun (Without Overwhelming Your Kids)

From crafting ornaments that showcase your family’s creativity to savoring the sweet scent of drying orange slices, these traditions remind us that it’s the simple moments that truly matter. It’s not too late to start new Christmas traditions with your family! Most of these cost little to no money as well, making them budget-friendly and easy to try out and tweak as you go.

So, as we embark on this holiday journey, may these traditions fill your home with joy, warmth, and the love of Christ. May they remind you of the precious gift of family and the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Wishing you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with laughter, love, and cherished traditions. Merry Christmas!

God bless,

The Cozy Tree Shop Laura Signature
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Laura is a Christian, wife, and mother who enjoys creating cozy goods, digital products, and encouraging blog posts to uplift fellow Christian moms. She is newly homeschooling her two kids and loves to crochet, read, and make her family's home cozy.

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